Andreas Hofmann

Universiteit Leiden


2013. Strategies of the Repeat Player. The European Commission between Courtroom and Legislature. PhD thesis, University of Cologne.

Journal articles

2024. The legal mobilisation of EU market freedoms: strategic action or random noise? West European Politics.

2021. Explaining interest group litigation in Europe: Evidence from the comparative interest group survey (with Daniel Naurin). Governance 34(4): 1235-1253.
Data for replication is available at
The Stata .do file for replication is available here

2021. The use of EU soft law by national courts and bureaucrats: how relation to hard law and policy maturity matter (with Miriam Hartlapp). West European Politics 44(1): 134-154.

2019. Left to Interest Groups? On the Prospects for enforcing Environmental Law in the European Union.  Environmental Politics 28(2): 342-364.

2018. Is the Commission Levelling the Playing Field? Rights Enforcement in the European Union. Journal of European Integration 40(6): 737-751.

2018. Resistance against the Court of Justice of the European Union. International Journal of Law in Context 14(2): 258-274. Also published asiCourts Working Paper Series No. 121

2018. Hilfreich oder hinderlich? EU Soft Law in der nationalen Praxis. Editorial (with Miriam Hartlapp).  Juristische Arbeitsblätter 8/2018.

2018. Review of: J. Hoevenaars, A People’s Court? A bottom-up approach to litigation before the European Court of Justice. Recht der Werkelijkheid 39(3): 70-74.

2017. Mobilizing European law (with Lisa Conant, Lisa Vanhala and Dagmar Soennecken). In: Journal of European Public Policy 25(9): 1376-1389.

2013. Tektonische Machtverschiebungen – die Krise als Auslöser und Verstärker des institutionellen Wandels (with Wolfgang Wessels). In: Zeitschrift für Politik 2013 (2), pp. 220-241.

2008. Der Vertrag von Lissabon: eine tragfähige und abschließende Antwort auf konstitutionelle Grundfragen? (with Wolfgang Wessels). In: integration 01/2008, pp. 3-20. Full text.

Chapters in edited volumes

2021. Making EU environmental policy more legitimate?. In: Andrew Jordan, Viviane Gravey (eds.): Environmental Policy in the EU. Actors, Institutions and Processes. 4th ed. Routledge.

2021. Types of EU soft law and their national impact. In: Mariolina Eliantonio, Emilia Korkea-aho and Oana Stefan (eds.): EU Soft Law in the Member State. Hart Publishing: 39-56.

2021. Soft Law in Germany: Still Opposing Dynamics in Status and Effect (with Miriam Hartlapp and Matthias Knauff). In: Mariolina Eliantonio, Emilia Korkea-aho and Oana Stefan (eds.): EU Soft Law in the Member State. Hart Publishing: 151-168.

2019. Patrolling the boundaries of belonging? Courts, law and citizenship (with Lisa Conant, Dagmar Soennecken and Lisa Vanhala). In:  Susan M. Sterett and Lee D. Walker, Research Handbook on Law and Courts, Edward Elgar: 336–350.

2016. Wächter des Nationalstaats oder Föderator wider Willen? Der Einfluss des Europäischen Rats auf die Entwicklung der Staatlichkeit in Europa (with Wolfgang Wessels). In: Hans-Jürgen Bieling/Martin Große Hüttmann (ed.), Europäische Staatlichkeit: Zwischen Krise und Integration, Baden-Baden 2016, pp. 113-131.

Handbook articles

2022. Europäische KommissionIntegrationstheorien. In: Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels and Funda Tekin (ed.), Europa von A-Z. Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration, Wiesbaden.

2017. Lobbying and Interest Group Politics in the European Union. In N. Zahariadis and L. Buonanno (eds.), The Routlegde Handbook of European Public Policy, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 279-287.

Other work

2018. EU i lokalpolitiken (with Karin Flordal, Kristin Ivarsson Lantz, Linda Nyberg). Stockholm: Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting.

Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration

2022. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2022, Baden-Baden, pp. 103-110.

2021. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2021, Baden-Baden, pp. 99-106.

2020. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020, Baden-Baden, pp. 107-114.

2019. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2019, Baden-Baden, pp. 109-116.

2018. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2018, Baden-Baden, pp. 93-100.

2017. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2017, Baden-Baden, pp. 103-110.

2016. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2016, Baden-Baden, pp. 103-110.

2015. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2015, Baden-Baden, pp. 95-102.

2014. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2014, Baden-Baden, pp. 109-116.

2013. Europäische Kommission. In: Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (ed.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2013, Baden-Baden, pp. 91-98.